Monday, January 21, 2008

why the Lies Delorean

sourece link as of posting date
I'll try to keep people up to date about the status of the complaints in this entry. What we are trying to do is to submit so many complaints to Hughes that they'll finally take action. Your complaint could be the one which makes a difference.

It is possible that Hughes has blocked free email accounts like Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail. People have reported receiving no response from Hughes when sending email from such accounts (see the first comment for a typical response). If you don't get a canned response, retry your complaint from one of your own mailboxes at your own ISP, and be sure to address your email to both and

As of this writing, I am aware of nine people, including myself, who have emailed thirteen abuse complaints to Hughes Network Systems (see the comments).

Totals: Thirteen emails of complaint confirmed. Three telephone calls; one surface mail sent on Jan 7, 2008 (returned - see below); two surface mails sent on Jan 10, 2008. Two surface mails sent on Jan 14, 2008.

The lack of response from the abuse accounts has caused us to shift to a letter writing campaign. The total number of letters sent is known to be at least four, and may be as high as eight (It is difficult to get confirmation from some people that they have actually put letters in the mail).

The surface mail sent on Jan 7, 2008 and addressed to Robert C. Lewis was returned completely unopened ("Not here" written on front of envelope). Mr. Lewis has apparently left the company or retired.

On a positive note, the flooder seems to have lost his ability to post through Teranews. In response to losing Teranews, he has posted some limited floods through both the ETT News Server and through Google. As he said in this archived message, he is intentionally disrupting the news groups, and only the intervention of Hughes Network Systems can put a complete stop to his activities.

P.S. Scroll down to the bottom of the blog to see some recently added photos.

the referenced post of mine
if you deem yourself harrassed report it

I don't harras the NG in general, I am aware that I do anoy them and
as an inicdental to main main objective distrupt their NG experence
that is regreatble and regrreted

I will not OTOH tolerate the sort stlaking you enage in

that is no cofession of anything at least to someone that can read

I have always adknowledes colateral dispurt of the ng as result of my defending myself this not intentional it is sadly unavoidable but onlas result of the action of the very actor that is complaining about them

I am of course confident that Hughes either is ignoring the whole effort(as frankly seems most likely or aware that it is just a acase of very sou r grapes

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