Saturday, January 12, 2008

btw Dloyd you can't realy stop me from reading your blog

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Quotes of the day for January 7 and 8th...

This was posted to the net in a certain blog in response to an inquiry from the FCC...I find the whole rant to be quite amusing....

"I want the FCC how they SCREWED me out of licenses."

You would think folks would at least proof read their rants before sending them off to a government official.

Here is another quote from the useful idiot about his chickens... He sure does talk about his chickens a lot. Probably, one day we will see Mark's face plastered on the front page of some grocery store rag with him holding a baby chick that looks just like him...

"I realy don't write that badly I do write in ore european mode"

Mark you DO write that bad.

Posted by Mrak at 2:45 PM 0 comments

dloyd you are obessedwith me why?

1 comment:

mark said...

a noter victory and a test

te attack is private yet again but dloyd dloyd can't understand his blog has to be public to realy be read by anyone