Monday, January 21, 2008

more raving form Dloyd

Mark keeps implying that I am the one who forces him to flood. So I thought what the hey, I will not post on RRAP or NIM, I would lock down this blog, and would see what would happen. I was hoping that Mark would calm down and stop spazing out about "dloyd", RRAP would get back to normal, and I could quietly delete this blog, but what I thought would happen did happen. Mark slowed down for a few days...but then those voices in his head could not be contained. He is off to flooding again and raving about "dloyd." What am I supposed to do, give up my right to exist on the net because Mark can't control himself evertime he sees me post or thinks I have posted? You just can't reason with a kook.

I see that "D' and company are making headway on the ISP front. Apparently, Terra has rightly given Mark a boot in the ass, and for the time being he is having trouble flooding through Terranews. Congrats to "D" and his supporters. I've been spending most of my free time on 75 meters away from the internet. Maybe I will catch some of you on the air...I have a good path into most parts of the Eastern U.S. running a KW when the band goes long.


dloyd why you you keep lying

what headway?

you might try to reaso with me at some point but you never have you just make demends you can't enfgorce and have no reasonable expectation I acceed too

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