Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why Does Dloyd lie

Mark continues to rave about "dloyd"....

Mark just can't stop mentioning me on Usenet and Nim, even though I am not posting. Mark says he does not bother sorting out my posts from anyone else's, as they are all the same to him. Yet he whines when someone doesn't bother to sort out his bullshit from the few forgeries of him, well Mark, Suum cuique pulchrum est. I've asked Mark to keep me out of his bullshit, but apparently he can't read, maybe this book could help him...

posting that is you posting to RRAP complaining I am tlaking about you unless you are channel cop I did not mewntion you in a few days neither in RRAP or Nimbusters

Indeed why are you back to claiming you are being libeled

you trying the truth might something for you

you libel me freely and constanly

you comit crimes in my name and wonder why I don't like you

get a life

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I could not have said it beter myself

I could and should answer you entire diatribe with one word Hypocrtie to which adding liar would good too

still the problem is you have sated manytime that you have the right to control who posts and how much

but Dloyd no one has the right to enage in harrassment

my sex life nor my spelling are proper topics for RRAP

nor was Lloyd Davies sex life

nor Roger Wismen sex life excetera

You claim posting OT drivel is a viuolation of the ToS of every server ..for the moment lets say you are correct...why then dhave you violated the Tos of your server For years?

but truel I thank God you are not God you are creul and and vile and downright eveil

as well as apearantly a thological lair

Mark said..."the basic problem dloyd is you think you have somne right to control who posts and what they post"

No Mark, I have no problem with anyone's posting, but flooding is not posting, it is misuse of the net and every TOS indicates that.

Sp why do you engage in such Behavoir

Your problem is you think no one has a right to make fun of you, your stupid assinie kooky remarks, your kooky lifestyle, and all the other funny weirdo things you say.
why do you tell this lie?

When you act like a fool folks are going to laugh at you. Nevertheless, I do have a right to say STFU Mark, watch Mark I will do it again...STFU and again STFU. See Mark I do have the right and can tell you to STFU.

where have I ever said anything of the sort?

Your problem is you think you have a right to make RRAP unusable no matter what the affect becuase you don't like people making fun of you.

why this lie?
Don't give us ammo with your stupidity and we won't have anything to laugh 1about.
why this lie you dregde up 10 year forgeris in my name to harrass me about

"I don't know who you think died and left you as god but I thank the real god you are not or the world would be a sad and sorry place ruled by a hate monger like yourselfand a guttless one to"

Mark, how is hating YOU make me a hate monger?

I never said it di

why do you inevt this LIE

I don't seem to dislike much.

just Lloyd Daves Roger Wiseen Myself, and roughly 50 million other folks in the US alone perhaps a billion people world wide

no indeed that is not many

and then of course by your own word you hate anyone non white

that is only about 3 billion people

If I was God I would only change a few things...first I would remove your hands and mouth for a few weeks so you would have no choice but to STFU,

meaning yo do indeed want to control who is allowed to speak and post

second, I would cure Woger,

I would cure woger too, although Id do it right had i power

then third I would arrange it so Lloyd Davies would be doing way better than Woger, then

he already does

I would wait and see how long it would take before I would have to cure Woger again. The thought of Lloyd doing better than him would be difficult for Woger to handle.

if you cured him right in the first place this would not be a problem

Saturday, January 26, 2008

dloyd's basic delusion

but anytime you care to learn to READ it would be welcomeanytime you choose to quote in conext would an inproment too"

And I say...STFU Morkie.

the basic problem dloyd is you think you have somne right to control who posts and what they post

I don't know who you think died and left you as god but I thank the real god you are not or the world would be a sad and sorry place ruled by a hate monger like yourself

and a guttless one to

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

["I realy don't write that badly I do write in ore european mode"Mark you DO write that bad]

"missig ONE letter what 2-3 year ago and you just keep whinign about itgrow Dloyd get a life of your ownplease"

Is Mark freaking nuts. Mark you can't even write a sentence without misspelling a word. Hell, today alone you posted 25-30 misspelled words to nimbusters and RRAP. Not only can't you spell, apparently you can't read your own misspellings either. Mark I have a life, it just happens to include making fun of your stupidity. You are such a dumbass clown.

dloyd going around harrasing me and libeling me is not a life at least not in the conventional sense of the word

you need to grow up

opne on Nimbusters I don't want to speel correctly since the purpose of EVEY post on the ham baord is to anoy my stalker since they are so obessed with spelling

truly GET A LIFE a real life

and more

Here is another quote from the useful idiot about his chickens... He sure does talk about his chickens a lot. Probably, one day we will see Mark's face plastered on the front page of some grocery store rag with him holding a baby chick that looks just like him...]

"why the libel Dloyd"

How is saying that Mark talks about his chickens a lot become libel?

never said it was

but anytime you care to learn to READ it would be welcome
anytime you choose to quote in conext would an inproment too

more nuttery

whydo you keeping making up this libel dloyd"
What libel Jackass? Making fun of your stupidity is not libel.

[This was posted to the net in a certain blog in response to an inquiry from the FCC...I find the whole rant to be quite amusing...."I want the FCC how they SCREWED me out of licenses."]

"are you unable to tell the difference between me and Tood anymore?"

Why is Mark whining because this blog is not only about him...what a kook. Mark the world does not revolve around you. I can comment about Todd's kooky rants too.

whhere am I whining Dloyd?

[You would think folks would at least proof read their rants before sending them off to a government official.]

"why? he has no respect for said officail indeed I am feeling about the same aboutt he way RH wasted the tax payers time and money on the letter Todd was responding to

Mark did I ask why? Hell no! You freaking kook, I would not ask you about anything...from what I've seen you don't know shit about anything...except your faggotry and how to make up tall tales to LE.

I wish you could poisble out grow you obesion with spelling Dloyd it i realy is childish

Monday, January 21, 2008

it is interestng the value dloyd places on me

hi pirates my call likely h is the guy using it on air as well as the net

he spoends year whing about my every mispelling i truely colloal task

he keep thinking claiming that insulting making demand that I do X or else is going to acheive anything for him

he can't make up his mind who is or what his goals are

i do wish he would find some other outlet for his insainity but alas that is my cross to bear

whydo you keeping making up this libel dloyd

This was posted to the net in a certain blog in response to an inquiry from the FCC...I find the whole rant to be quite amusing....

"I want the FCC how they SCREWED me out of licenses."

are you unable to tell the difference between me and Tood anymore?

You would think folks would at least proof read their rants before sending them off to a government official.

why? he has no respect for said officail indeed I am feeling about the same aboutt he way RH wasted the tax payers time and money on the letter Todd was responding to

Here is another quote from the useful idiot about his chickens... He sure does talk about his chickens a lot. Probably, one day we will see Mark's face plastered on the front page of some grocery store rag with him holding a baby chick that looks just like him...

why the libel Dloyd

"I realy don't write that badly I do write in ore european mode"

Mark you DO write that bad

missig ONE letter what 2-3 year ago and you just keep whinign about it

grow Dloyd get a life of your own


more raving form Doyd

From Mark's Blog, In response to....

"Sunday, January 6, 2008 Comment of the day 1/6/08 From the twisted brain of Mark...."Dloyd Lavies can't curse chicknens to any effect"This statement implies that Mark actually believes that someone can put a curse on chickens, just that "dloyd can't curse them to any effect" Poor Mark, it seems that someone put a stupidity curse on him the day he was born.Ooohgah Boogah! Posted by Mrak at 3:25 PM 0 comments"

Mark said..."where do you come up with your insanity Dloyd it is most entertaining where did even the poster say they belive a chicken could be cursed you OTOH proove that you are obessed with anything Mark May have writtenthe statemnt accurately points out the facts nothing and has beennow been used to prove YOU are stalking and Harrassing Mark MorganI know you think pointing out YOUR abusrd threats is stupid but I find it funny"

Mark calls what I write "insanity", yet it is Mark who writes in a third someone else is writing on his blog and is defending Mark...Bwhahahahah. Mark's writing is so easy to one, and I repeat no one, writes as poorly and as grammtically screwed up as he does...his shitty grammar skills, misspellings, and twisted view is his trademark...when he comments under a forgery of another hams calls, he is spotted immediately. He needs to face it, he is an imbecile, buffoon, usenet abuser, and his butchered up rants just scream "I am Mark Morgan and yes I am an idiot!"

Mark's continued lifting of text and commenting on his "dloyd" hate blog, just proves that he can't ignore "dloyd"...I've told him many times how to kill "dloyd"...yet like a fish, he just keeps on chasing the I will continue to fish as long as the dumb fish keep biting at the hook.

Posted by Mrak at 12:31 PM 0 comments

This goes under the catagory of WTF???

"stop avpidningmmental help"

Can the BOY butcher the English language any worse...

Mark Get Help...

were did you flunk out off Dloyd you "logic" is smore tortued than anything I would ever do to sexual submissive

nothing in your rantproves I can't ignore ignore ignore

and in point of fact I am not sure myself one way or the other if I could

I do do know it is not not safe to ignore the liblous aving of a nut case like yourself

a burned out house in illiopolis proved that once and for all

I choose not ignore your raving\

by the same "logic" I could say you can't ignore me, but the fact I am sure is that you CHOOSE not that you choose to contiue your harrassment

I could be wrong you could simply be a pycho bound by your mental illness to harrassme when I have done nothigng to you in any way

more raving form Dloyd

Mark keeps implying that I am the one who forces him to flood. So I thought what the hey, I will not post on RRAP or NIM, I would lock down this blog, and would see what would happen. I was hoping that Mark would calm down and stop spazing out about "dloyd", RRAP would get back to normal, and I could quietly delete this blog, but what I thought would happen did happen. Mark slowed down for a few days...but then those voices in his head could not be contained. He is off to flooding again and raving about "dloyd." What am I supposed to do, give up my right to exist on the net because Mark can't control himself evertime he sees me post or thinks I have posted? You just can't reason with a kook.

I see that "D' and company are making headway on the ISP front. Apparently, Terra has rightly given Mark a boot in the ass, and for the time being he is having trouble flooding through Terranews. Congrats to "D" and his supporters. I've been spending most of my free time on 75 meters away from the internet. Maybe I will catch some of you on the air...I have a good path into most parts of the Eastern U.S. running a KW when the band goes long.


dloyd why you you keep lying

what headway?

you might try to reaso with me at some point but you never have you just make demends you can't enfgorce and have no reasonable expectation I acceed too

why the Lies Delorean

sourece link as of posting date
I'll try to keep people up to date about the status of the complaints in this entry. What we are trying to do is to submit so many complaints to Hughes that they'll finally take action. Your complaint could be the one which makes a difference.

It is possible that Hughes has blocked free email accounts like Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail. People have reported receiving no response from Hughes when sending email from such accounts (see the first comment for a typical response). If you don't get a canned response, retry your complaint from one of your own mailboxes at your own ISP, and be sure to address your email to both and

As of this writing, I am aware of nine people, including myself, who have emailed thirteen abuse complaints to Hughes Network Systems (see the comments).

Totals: Thirteen emails of complaint confirmed. Three telephone calls; one surface mail sent on Jan 7, 2008 (returned - see below); two surface mails sent on Jan 10, 2008. Two surface mails sent on Jan 14, 2008.

The lack of response from the abuse accounts has caused us to shift to a letter writing campaign. The total number of letters sent is known to be at least four, and may be as high as eight (It is difficult to get confirmation from some people that they have actually put letters in the mail).

The surface mail sent on Jan 7, 2008 and addressed to Robert C. Lewis was returned completely unopened ("Not here" written on front of envelope). Mr. Lewis has apparently left the company or retired.

On a positive note, the flooder seems to have lost his ability to post through Teranews. In response to losing Teranews, he has posted some limited floods through both the ETT News Server and through Google. As he said in this archived message, he is intentionally disrupting the news groups, and only the intervention of Hughes Network Systems can put a complete stop to his activities.

P.S. Scroll down to the bottom of the blog to see some recently added photos.

the referenced post of mine
if you deem yourself harrassed report it

I don't harras the NG in general, I am aware that I do anoy them and
as an inicdental to main main objective distrupt their NG experence
that is regreatble and regrreted

I will not OTOH tolerate the sort stlaking you enage in

that is no cofession of anything at least to someone that can read

I have always adknowledes colateral dispurt of the ng as result of my defending myself this not intentional it is sadly unavoidable but onlas result of the action of the very actor that is complaining about them

I am of course confident that Hughes either is ignoring the whole effort(as frankly seems most likely or aware that it is just a acase of very sou r grapes

Saturday, January 12, 2008

but the guys raving with flase charges is none other than Dloyd

dloydflase accusation blog

but dloyd likes to mak e the most asine charges

why doies he insist responding to his insanity is stupid I find it amusing and judgeing by my email soe do many others

sadly in response to the gist of anumber of email I can't stop him for posting his inane shit on his attack blogs

Sunday, January 6, 2008
Comment of the day 1/6/08

From the twisted brain of Mark....

"Dloyd Lavies can't curse chicknens to any effect"

This statement implies that Mark actually believes that someone can put a curse on chickens, just that "dloyd can't curse them to any effect" Poor Mark, it seems that someone put a stupidity curse on him the day he was born.

Ooohgah Boogah!

Posted by Mrak at 3:25 PM 0 comments

where do you come up with your insanity Dloyd

it is most entertaining

where did even the poster say they belive a chicken could be cursed

you OTOH proove that you are obessed with anything Mark May have written

the statemnt accurately points out the facts nothing and has beennow been used to prove YOU are stalking and Harrassing Mark Morgan

I know you think pointing out YOUR abusrd threats is stupid but I find it funny

btw Dloyd you can't realy stop me from reading your blog

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Quotes of the day for January 7 and 8th...

This was posted to the net in a certain blog in response to an inquiry from the FCC...I find the whole rant to be quite amusing....

"I want the FCC how they SCREWED me out of licenses."

You would think folks would at least proof read their rants before sending them off to a government official.

Here is another quote from the useful idiot about his chickens... He sure does talk about his chickens a lot. Probably, one day we will see Mark's face plastered on the front page of some grocery store rag with him holding a baby chick that looks just like him...

"I realy don't write that badly I do write in ore european mode"

Mark you DO write that bad.

Posted by Mrak at 2:45 PM 0 comments

dloyd you are obessedwith me why?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

more of the strange ravingyou know i have never lloyd but facts do not interfere with the raving

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Quote of the day...

I am going to start posting funny quotes that I see on the net...

"STFU, Marqueer, you blathering retard!"

This was in response to one of Mark's rants on a ham board.

Posted by Mrak at 2:16 PM 0 comments

Labels: Mark Morgan Usenet Retard

where is the funny quote?

on and On dloyd raves

he makes charges without evdience and demands other have evidence to express their opinion

he refuses to accpet the fact USENET is not his own private club

he admits to partaking in illgeal efforts at harrasment

in one post he claims I should as I have done in another he clams doing as I have done is a crime

and theenw onders why a good citizen does not believe him when he tries to backpedal on his sick ofer of a kid for sex for money
"instead he has more or less forced to do something I never thought I would be doing to stand as an icon for the right of Bisexauls to live and breath and carry out out lives he has found that merely say screaming "faggot": s not enough to provke a response, so piles on and one the heap of carp in hopes that the gulible amoug the world will belive it and act on his fantasies his ilk suceeded i this quest in illiopolis but they had help , the atack of (/11 made some the local more iclined to be provoked than otherwise"

Mark is babbling something about being an icon to the BLG community. I think not,

indeed you think not
you don't think at all

"if the person Dloyd Lavies claims I was existed it would not be hard not merely to get off the web but to get me locked up in a mental hosiptal"

Why would I want to do that, let your old man and wife worry about you.

why indeed You would not want a child molestor offteh streets shame on you dloyd but thaen you did offer m e a kid for sex for oney so we know you are sick
"heinterplices the bizaae fanatsy that my yard is some trash put and that I accosted strangers on the road with with a sword"

Yes jokingly, I poked fun at Mark's fantasy role playing, but I didn't mention a sword. I said Mark screams at traffic in front of his house "this is the Kings road". Mark has no sense of humor.

try saying something funny
"he is unlikely to suceed sadly he seems likely to cuase further harm to ham and radio before his dems final consume him"

Never say never...

funny I did not say never

but aain I asseert it is unlikely that anyone will take action against me for defedning myself against you and doing my duty as a ctitzen ad reporting your various criminal acts
"he has admited in the past to harrassing Lloyd Davies off the net algether and has sworn to do the same to me"

Yes I belive that I played a part in Lloyd's departure from the net. Folks on Ussenet got tired of his Nazi-Jewish-pro White power hate message. Unfortunatley for us, Lloyd Davies was a lot smarter than Mark.

and that was a criminal act

I have no reason to as you allege that Loyd was a NAZI but if he was/is that is his right

what more beyond a confess does a guy need to call you a criminal and serial harrasser?
"that is and always was the sole reason for dloyd to enage in his multi year vedteta against me"

Mark is wrong again...he is not a victum.

Dloyd evn Delorean conceeds I am the victum of forgery

nor is dlelorean allone in making that assertion
"the beef is that Stev and Dloyd object to the fact I am bisexaul and not in the closet"

No I object to Mark's behavior on Usenet, crapping on every one's post with his stupid assinie comments and the fact that he acts like an arrogant ASSHOLE! But of course the goes to Mark's "Victum" complex, as anyone knows who has dealt with Mark, he jumps at the chance to be the "victum".

BB put it well as quoted by Karol and quote by me

if you want a private conversation take it to someplace private

google put it pretty well too
everyone is alowed to coment on USENET there is nothing saying everybody but Mark Morgan oreverytbody but folks the powter don't like
"what outlandish behavoir?"

Does Mark have to ask...jeeesh.

obviously since I do nothing outlandish at all

if I had made that same statement he be crying I had no answer

"ypu don't reason with someone by calling them a chldmolstor and rapist byt attacking his wife and family"

I've never done anything that Mark alleges. The closest I ever got near Mark's family was when I posted the publicly accessible wedding registry to refute his claims of many friends. I have never called Mark a "rapist" or a "child molester" This is another case of Mark being unable to follow a thread or knowing who is posting what.

bulshit Dliyd you have caled me a childmolestr a hunder times or and added that my bisexuality is "proof

and again you admit to stealing data you have no right and harrass me my wife again
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
And even More...

"From the blog of Mark Morgan, KB9RQZ...

"Posted by mark at 1:57 PM 0 comments

"what Have I done to Steve?"

Well for one Mark used the death of his child as a weapon against him, he went after his employment, and Mark went after him through the his affiliation with the CAP...of course Mark's efforts failed.

after he used my fathers health, after he atcked my dead mother against me after he went after my employeement after he went afterer My contection with the army

A fiend reminded of Sause for the goose...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

the lastsest cry of pain, and the inflation of insae rethoric

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
More lying rambling and lauding of false allegations by Mark C. Morgan, KB9RQZ....

From the blog of Mark Morgan, KB9RQZ...

"dloyd the coward

"I do wish he would explain why it is he the a fraid to enage in discsuion rather than just throw bombs at those he does not like"

I've tried to engage Mr. Morgan several times to address his abuse of Usenet. However, you are unable to reason with Mr. Morgan, you cannot reason with someone whose view of the world is so twisted that he sees persecution and a crime in every sentence. Mark's outlook seems to be that because "Steve" questioned him about his outlandish claims, and took him to task on his apparent lies, and other users did not intervene on his behalf, everyone is to blame for Mark's abusive behavior. Mark also is like a spoiled child, whereas if the result is not what he wants, he goes on a tirade of "dloyd" posts.

"he offered me a kid claiming it was his 9yo Grandson for sex if I paid him that is not only but a crime, it is sick."

I also agree that it is sick, and have not offered Mark anything, except the domain name ", which I generously gave to him. I still believe that Mark has forged any information in my nym concerning any crime, as the past has shown, Mark knows no boundary in his tirade of revenge, including wishing and threatening death upon others, and using the death of a small child as a weapon against a greiving parent.

"if I knew precesiely who dloyd was I could deal with it directly, instead he hides behinds others and sadly I will end up damaging other in the effort to get to him"

Mark stating that he would deal with it directly means that he would pursue me through LE and CPS with his manufactured evidence of offering a child to himself.

"I regret this that is why I contiue to assk those ham interested in justice to aid me in geting Dloyd beidentified and behind bars so we can get on with life"

Mark actually wants to know my identity so he can try to do to me what he did to Steve, but Steve has given me good advice, and that I will abide.

"Posted by mark at 1:57 PM 0 comments

what Have I done to Steve?

ypu don't reason with someone by calling them a chldmolstor and rapist byt attacking his wife and family

what outlandish behavoir?

the beef is that Stev and Dloyd object to the fact I am bisexaul and not in the closet

that is and always was the sole reason for dloyd to enage in his multi year vedteta against me

I have enfured the frabcrited charges of child abuse rapes elder abuse

I received an offer to rent a kid for sex It is may beliefe the doyd in his obvous illness thinkas ahe has stated that " he belived that all Bi are child olestors" Indeed I suspect Dloyd thought by means of this bizaare hoax to s0omehow entrap i his mesh of fantasies and herefore remove who in HS twisted mind is obvously chi;ld molesting pedo

he is not playing with a full deck he simply plays with his fanatsies about BLT and he use my callsign to do it his is not some joke it is vechile to attack me for do ntohiung more than reporting a crime to Law enforcement. sadly I do not know exactly who Dloyd avies is, I know he is a criminal and a serial libeler I I had his name I would indeed report his crime, solciting child prositution and let him hopefully serve his sentence, sadly all I can do is report those I suspect of being him, h contiues to show his patent disregard of reality

he has admited in the past to harrassing Lloyd Davies off the net algether and has sworn to do the same to me

he is unlikely to suceed sadly he seems likely to cuase further harm to ham and radio before his dems final consume him

heinterplices the bizaae fanatsy that my yard is some trash put and that I accosted strangers on the road with with a sword

if the person Dloyd Lavies claims I was existed it would not be hard not merely to get off the web but to get me locked up in a mental hosiptal

instead he has more or less forced to do something I never thought I would be doing to stand as an icon for the right of Bisexauls to live and breath and carry out out lives he has found that merely say screaming "faggot": s not enough to provke a response, so piles on and one the heap of carp in hopes that the gulible amoug the world will belive it and act on his fantasies his ilk suceeded i this quest in illiopolis but they had help , the atack of (/11 made some the local more iclined to be provoked than otherwise

the very newest cry of pain by the "man" that offering 9 yo boys for sex

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
More attacks on innocent hams by Mr. Morgan???

I see on usenet that it was noted that Mark is now attacking W4NTI. Mark apparently thinks it is okay to go after folks with false accusations of crimes without any proof or just cause other than he is "getting tired of it". I still whole heartedly believe that Mark manufactured any evidence that he has about a child sex crime in an attempt to convince, and to get the attention of LE and or CPS, that an actual crime had been committed. In my opinion, Mark is desperate for LE to pay attention to him because apparently he has been ignored thus far. As it appears to me, Mark is so desperate to take revenge on anyone who challenges him on his abuse of usenet that there is no limit to the level of forgery and accusations that he will undertake. Once again I post a reminder to anyone who reads this "BEWARE OF MARK C. MORGAN, KB9RQZ of CHASSELL, MI" it is my opinion that after observing Mark's behavior over the past two or so years, that he will stop at nothing to seek revenge and has even publically said on his various hate blogs that he wishes death upon other individuals. Mark contends that folks have persued him outside of the net. However, Mark has never offered any proof whatsoever that this has occurred, and I adamantly deny any accusations of any wrong doing made by Mr. Morgan. Mr. Morgan has continued to maintain a "dloyd" hate blog, yet he complains when we maintain a blog about our opinions of him. I see it as a two way street. In my opinion, commenting on Mr. Morgan's assinie behavior is not a crime.

Posted by Mrak at 7:19 AM 0 comments

I this a merely a blog to allow me to repsond to your cyber stalking Campiagn

the fact is YOU sent me an offer of to rent you (yo grandson to me for sex, that is a crime.I want a criminal like yourself to got to jail I suspect you of being one of several real people.

if you were not such a coward, and trying to hide behind the web no one inocent would get hurt

that is the fact YOU dloyd are responsble for making that sick offer and thinking I would do nothing aboutt if W4NTI and K3VR are truly not the YOU are responsible for any harm done to them by convincing me that you might be these and and COMITING a crime offering sex for money is a crime, offering a kid for is just sick

iy is interesting that you have maitianed the K4YZ comtied no crime in making report and report that I am an elder abuser, and a child abusers but I may nto report my susp[ision at all

give it up

I don't care if it was some "joke" on your part or what

editorial note as Doydhas chosen to play cyber games that prevent froim easily ctaching the exact address of the post as long as he contiues to do so I will not be able to link to the exact post

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

from Dloyd a gay sex ad

From: Mark Morgan

my birthday is the 21 of feb 9i'll be 44 then)
i live near Chassell MI, and 43 white married, Bisexual, switch
(tend to be a a bit more sub than Dom) who has experenced both sub
Dom with other Males, but has only been Dom with women, and would
like to try Femdom. Employed but not flush enough to make a ProDom my
first choice. i will not deal with solid waste but i think every
thing else is possible (i hedge because as soon as i think I have
it all someone seems to come up with something new) Things i
diffinently like are body worship, hot wax, bondage, spanking. i
done and enoyed with people really into them watersports, lite
bloodlicking (i knew a girl into Vampires ok?) these are things i
to enjoy if they trun someone on, but fall flat if the other party(s)
aren't real into them, in that vein i will consider and may well get
into something i if it really turns you on.

just broowing this old post to burn though the cluoter

latest whine of pain

current whine of pain source
Proof I am being effective...Mark provided proof by his own statment....

From one of Mark's kooky blogs...

"also wish you would drop dead , and indeed if suicide is your desire be assured I willbe happy to assit you in that endevour"

Careful what you wish on others dumb Morgan, what you wish on others may come back to haunt you

mind translating that into english
of course dare not do so since it Is of course an obcure death threat
since they it is clear that the only way you will ever be stoped is by your death either totaly or drinking/drugiing your mind into like oblivian as woger seems to have done and whih is the same thing fdrom PoV

I have kindly offered you help to achive that if you wish it , unlike you I do my best to be kind to my foes