Monday, May 7, 2007
I've been directly responding to Mark way to much on RRAP these days, but it really is at a stalemate. He won't take responsibility for anything and his rant is getting to be so redundant, its like riding on the same roller coaster over and over again. He is even starting to lie about how he lost his former blog, now stating that he accidently deleted it, and when he recreated the blog, he made a typo in the name. But IMO this is false, because his former blog was down for at least three days, and then he hastely created the new blog with another person's call similar to his, but he only did this after I had already obtained this domain, and pointed out that his blog was gone (shame on you Mark for trying to pull the wool over our eyes) but that didn't last very long, because when he was called on the carpet by another poster on RRAP for using the other persons call, he freaked and created his current blog. Nevertheless, at this time I will no longer be grantng his desperate plea for attention, I may again try to engage in dialoge with him in the future, but the future does not seem to be promising unless I see a change in Mark's posting behavior and attitude.

first thing Dloyd you might want to learn th e meanings of the word "dialogue" and "Diatribe"

second you are always going on about proofing without any proof
but indeed I deleted my old blog by mistake and created a new with a typo i the call hen when pthe typos was pointed delteted again and came to the current URL

3 for once you are accurately staing some good you we are a at stalemate, and will coninue to be for all time (at least the entire time you chose to continue the fight) but since you stated objective is to drive me off the USENET that means you lose

have nice day I also note the lack of honesty in your claim you were going to stop repling to me


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