Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mark said, that if I stopped posting the NG's would return to normal, he implied that somehow I was "fueling" the chaos on the groups. But as we can see, RRAM and RRAP look as screwed up as always, even though I haven't posted all week except one post. So much for Mark's logic. Of course we all know the truth, there is only but one common denominator that clearly is reflected in every OT post on RRAM and RRAP, its Mark. As long as he will not accept that his posting behavior is inappropriate, RRAP and RRAM will always be in a state of chaos.

Dloyd you are still posting as far as anybody can tell you are ANNYMOUSE

that I am the focucs of your hate is no t my fault I am sorry for it but I can't change it and you have been thrwoing feul for months if not years keep your posting out of RRAP for a year (it was taken 10 years to to get to this poit) and then come talk to me

RRAP RRAM and RRCB will remain in chaos as long as Gaybashing is acepted as On Toic by th e poster therein even if I were to leave, oh I if left there might be a breif respite but not much you are still hanging round the fringes trying to still up shit with your stolen blog after all

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