Saturday, May 5, 2007

Mark C. Morgan, created a mirror blog and lifted all of my orginial thoughts and content from this blog because I wouldn't let him post his filth here. He wants me to make a claim of copyright infringement to him with my legal name. He truly is bizarre, besides any such claims as usual will be sent to blogger. Mark still hasn't figured out how I got this blog and I am not going to reveal that information to him. Lets face it, he is NG harasser and until Google enforces their TOS, people like Mark will continue with their games. Lets see if I can get his new blog tos'ed. Nevertheless, none of he blogs will ever be www.kb9rqz.blogspot .com, and that is really what its is all about


mark said...

Dloyd I don't post filth you do

mark said...

I don't want toy you file your copyright claim I just inform you how to do so

mark said...

I know exactly how you got my blog

mark said...

Dloyd you realy are not payingattention I don't use Google as general rule (i do when I have to go in and sort through thread s and such and sometime whe TERANEWS is down but you get it till Google enforces it ToS on people like yo u the NG's will reamin a mess

mark said...

yea we all know what you are about harrasment and theif Dloyd you are good poster boy for why "noCode" was vital to the future of the ARS or rather you would be if we had a picture of you