Tuesday, February 5, 2008

some laughs laughs form Todds Blog

N9GL blog cpoment sectrion with the truly hirlarious aeffort to harras

Mark the molester was questioned for his suspected involvement in a child sex abuse scandal at the local temple. It seems they have child care/day care services there and Mark is a volunteer. The Cantor, the Rabbi, 2 custodians and Mrak Mrgano have all been listed in a complaint filed with local authorities. Mark, among others has already been questioned and has REFUSED to submit to a lie detector test.
I have it on very good authority that warrants are being sought.

and my coment there

LOL asshole the local temple has neither a Rabbi or a cantor there is not a temple with Rabbi and cantor with at least 200 miles
indeed the nearest rabbis are a conseervitive in GB WI and an orthodux in Duluth MN, I don't think

I don't know of a temple with day care or big enough to have even one jantor nearer than Milwalki or maybe miniaplois

and the idea of me volotoering at a day care I am sure folks that know me, will get a good laugh out of that one

I will have to repost that gem to to my repost Blog My wife and I thank you for a good laughg

OTOH in the unlikely event I were asked to submit to a lie dectecor test I would refuse, since they are not admisable in court they seem to be (IMO only a possible source of problems to the accuased

to which I add

attacks like this one Do give me one problem they tend to fly in the face ofd the facts it is a serious effort to harrass me. it is just soo out of contact with reality. It does highlight how little is (in)accurate in the effort to smear me and my name and just how tenious the contact these fellwos have with reality

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